This page contains the following lists of Penn faculty affiliated with our undergraduate and graduate linguistics programs:
- Linguistics core faculty who are members of the Department of Linguistics
- Associated faculty and lecturers, including faculty whose departmental appointment is outside Linguistics but who are members of the Graduate Group
- Retired faculty, former members of the department
You can find other faculty with linguistics-related interests through the Integrated Language Sciences and Technology (ILST) initiative.
Linguistics Core Faculty
Marlyse Baptista
President's Distinguished Professor of Linguistics Language Contact and Cognition, Pidgins and Creoles, Theories of Language Emergence, Bilingualism, L2 and L3/Ln Acquisition, Syntactic Theory, Psycholinguistic Research on Processes of Language Contact (Ph.D., Harvard, 1997) 898-3212
Room 319-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Eugene Buckley
Associate Professor Formal phonology, phonology-morphology interaction, phonological explanation, Native American and Ethio-Semitic linguistics (Ph.D., Berkeley, 1992) 898-2834
Room 330-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
David Embick
Professor Syntax, morphology, syntax/morphology interface, neurolinguistics (Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1997) 573-5965
Room 310-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Matthew Hewett
Assistant Professor
Room 333-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Paloma Jeretic
Assistant Professor Semantics and Pragmatics and their interfaces with Syntax (Ph.D., New York University, 2021) 746-7397
Room 327-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Jianjing Kuang
Associate Professor Phonetics, Laboratory phonology, Speech production and perception. (Ph.D. UCLA, 2013)
Room 318-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Julie Anne Legate
Professor; Department Chair Syntax, morphology, syntax-morphology interface, language acquisition (PhD, MIT, 2002)
Room 331-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Mark Liberman
Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Linguistics Phonetics, prosody, natural language processing, speech communication (Ph.D., MIT, 1975) Director - Linguistic Data Consortium
Room 312-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Rolf Noyer
Associate Professor Theoretical phonology, morphology, morphosyntax, generative metrics; Huave, Mansi. (Ph.D., MIT, 1992) 573-9232
Room 329-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Anna Papafragou
Professor Experimental semantics and pragmatics, language acquisition, language and cognition (Ph.D., University College London, 1998)
Room 328-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Don Ringe
Professor Historical linguistics, Indo-European, morphology (Ph.D., Yale, 1984) 898-7472
Room 332-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Gareth Roberts
Associate Professor Language evolution, language change, language variation, cultural evolution, experimental semiotics, social interaction. (Ph.D., Univ. of Edinburgh, 2010)
Room 317-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Kathryn Schuler
Assistant Professor Language Acquisition (Ph.D; Georgetown University, 2017)
Room 314C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Florian Schwarz
Professor; Undergraduate Chair Formal semantics and pragmatics, semantic and pragmatic processing (Ph.D., U Mass, 2009) Member of the Graduate Group in Psychology
Room 311-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Meredith Tamminga
Associate Professor; Graduate Chair Language variation and change, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics. (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2014)
Room 316-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Charles Yang
Professor Language acquisition, language change, computational linguistics, morphology, psycholinguistics (Ph.D., MIT, 2000) Director of Undergraduate Studies in Cognitive Science
Room 315-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Associated Faculty and Lecturers
Asif Agha
Professor and Department Chair of Anthropology Sino-Tibetan and Indo-Aryan linguistics; semiotics; discourse analysis; social theory (Ph.D. Chicago, 1990) 898-4110
University Museum, Room 511Read Bio
Sunghye Cho
Assistant Research Professor
Linguistic Data Consortium
3600 Market Street, Suite 810Read Bio
Aletheia Cui
Lecturer (PhD in Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, 2020)
Delphine Dahan
Associate Professor, Psychology Psycholinguistics, spoken-language comprehension, lexical representation and processing (Ph.D., Paris La Sorbonne René Descartes, 1994)
Room 253, Levin Building
425 S. University Ave.
Philadelphia,PA 19104Read Bio
Jami Fisher
Senior Lecturer (Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2014) American Sign Language Program Director
Room 345-C, Third Floor, 3401-C Walnut St.Read Bio
Audrey Mbeje
Lecturer in Foreign Languages Director of the African Language Program at Penn
Gerald Prince
Professor, Romance Languages Narratology (Ph.D. Brown, 1968)
531 Williams HallRead Bio
Timothy Roberts
Adjunct Professor; primary appointment: Professor, Dept of Radiology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia neurolinguistics; neuroimaging; auditory processing of language; language and autism (Ph.D., Cambridge, 1991)
Wood Building, Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaRead Bio
Daniel Swingley
Professor, Psychology Psycholinguistics, word recognition and lexical representation in infants and young children (Ph.D., Stanford, 1997)
425 S. University Ave.Read Bio
Stephen J. Tinney
Clark Research Associate Professor of Assyriology, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations Sumerian; Mesopotamian language and literature. (Ph.D., Michigan) Director, Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary ProjectAssociate Curator, Babylonian Section, Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
stinney@sas.upenn.edu215 898-7467
Room 231, Babylonian Section, University MuseumRead Bio
John Trueswell
Professor of Psychology Language processing, eye movements in reading, visual perception (Ph.D., Rochester, 1993) Director of Graduate Studies in PsychologyDirector of IGERT Language and Communication Program
trueswel@psych.upenn.eduOffice: (215) 898-0911; Lab: (215) 898-0327
Room 254, Levin Building, 425 S. University Ave.Read Bio
Greg Urban
Arthur Hobson Quinn Professor of Anthropology Linguistic and cultural anthropology; metaculture; cultural motion; public sphere processes; world cultures; corporations and culture; business anthropology; Amerindian cultures; Brazil, U.S. (Ph.D. Chicago, 1978)
gurban@sas.upenn.edu215 898-0895
University Museum, Room 518Read Bio
Scott Weinstein
Professor, Department of Philosophy Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Cognitive Science (Ph.D. Rockefeller University, 1975) Director, Logic, Information, and Computation Program, School of Arts and SciencesSecondary Appointments: Department of Mathematics, Department of Computer and Information Science 898-8563
Room 462, Logan HallRead Bio
Retired Faculty
George Cardona
Professor Emeritus, Linguistics and South Asia Studies Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Indian grammatical theory
Robin Clark
Professor Emeritus, Linguistics Applications of Game Theory to natural language; Evolution and Dynamics; General Stuff, (Ph.D., UCLA, 1985)
William Labov
John H. & Margaret B. Fassitt Professor of Linguistics (Retired) Sociolinguistics, language change, speech perception and production, research on reading (Ph.D., Columbia, 1964)
Mitch Marcus
Professor Emeritus, RCA Professor of Artificial Intelligence Natural language processing, corpus-based and statistical models for NLP (Ph.D., MIT, 1976)
Gillian E. Sankoff
Professor of Linguistics (retired) Sociolinguistics, pidgins and creoles, language change and development (Ph.D., McGill, 1968)
Beatrice Santorini
Senior Fellow (Retired) Syntax, Germanic linguistics, language change (Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1989)