Penn Science and Lightbulb Cafe Lecture Series
Expert faculty from the University of Pennsylvania shed light on their research at the Penn Science Café. Join us for an evening of engaging, stimulating conversation, with a Q&A session following each talk.
How Children Learn Language - And Why They're Better at It Than Adults
Kathryn Schuler, Assistant Professor of Linguistics
June 11, 2019 • 6 p.m.
Suzanne Roberts Theatre
480 South Broad Street
REGISTER HERE <https://t.e2ma.net/click/hf0vac/ph7chq/94ylro>
It’s no secret that children excel at learning languages. Every typically developing child acquires language with little special effort or adult help. Why are they so good at this? It is something about how they learn or how their brain is organized? And how do they navigate the complex world of grammar and syntax? In the Child Language Lab <https://t.e2ma.net/click/hf0vac/ph7chq/pxzlro>at Penn, Kathryn Schuler has been grappling with such questions, and she’ll discuss what she’s learned so far.