Diane Lillo-Martin (U.Conn) will be the "Thursday Thoughts" speaker on January 28th.
Title: Bimodal Bilingual Language Acquisition and Language
Time & Date: 3:30 p.m.--5:00 p.m.
Place: Large Conference Room, Institute for Research in
Cognitive Science, 4th floor, 3401 Walnut Street
An abstract can be found below. The talk will be followed by
a reception. you must be over 21 and possess a valid ID to
attend the second event.
As always see the Upcoming events section
</events/>or the Calendar
</calendar/>on the department
website for further announcements of events.
Bimodal bilinguals (bibis) combine a sign language and a
spoken language in ways like other bilinguals do, but also
in ways that are unique. In this presentation I summarize
data from a longitudinal project on the development of
bimodal bilingualism, focusing on two types of bilingual
phenomena: cross-linguistic influence (transfer) and
code-blending (simultaneous production of speech and sign).
I show that these phenomena and others can be captured in a
model of Language Synthesis employing concepts of minimalism
and Distributed Morphology.