*Title:* Variation and Change in Past Tense Negation in AAVE
*Supervisor:* William Labov
This proposed dissertation examines the extension of /ain’t
/to past tense contexts where it varies with negative
/do-/support (/didn’t/)//in African American Vernacular
English (AAVE) (e.g., /Well, he didn’t do much, and I ain’t
neither/, Labov et al. 1968). Through a corpus study, I
demonstrate an increase in the use of /ain’t /at the expense
of /didn’t/ in apparent time, led by adolescents with
limited contact with speakers of Mainstream American English
(MAE). The corpus study also allows two hypotheses on the
origin of the use of /ain’t /in this new environment to be
evaluated. The first hypothesis argues that it developed
from a phonetic reduction of /didn’t /to [int], which
subsequently converged with other instances of /ain’t/. The
second proposes that it extended from the use of /ain’t /in
present perfect contexts (where it varies with /haven’t/)
due to semantic overlap between the present perfect and the
simple past.
Another related goal of the proposed dissertation
will be to tease apart the relationship between /ain’t,
/tense-marking on main verbs following /ain’t /(e.g., /She
ain’t want /vs. /She ain’t wanted/), and the tense-aspect
meaning of the sentence (simple past vs. present perfect).
Preliminary corpus results show a significant tendency for
main verbs to appear in their base form (/want/) following
/ain’t /in sentences with simple past meaning. There is also
a significant tendency for main verbs to appear in their
preterit form (/wanted/) following /ain’t /in sentences with
present perfect meaning. However, variation in main verb
tense-marking can be found in both paradigms (i.e., 18.3%
preterit forms in sentences with simple past meaning and
16.3% base forms in sentences with present perfect meaning).
Thus the proposed dissertation includes an experiment
designed to test whether participants use main verb
morphology to interpret the tense-aspect meaning of a
sentence. Additionally, the development of variation in main
verb marking over time will be examined in relation to both
hypotheses on the origin of the extension of /ain't /to past
tense contexts.